Visual Studio 2008 deal killers: ReSharper and Web Deployment Projects

The agony… of waiting…

So I’m chomping at the bit to dig into Visual Studio 2008 with C# 3.0, and I’ve been skimming C# 3.0 in a Nutshell, and we’ve got two new projects on the way that would be awesome to just start with the new versions, but… dependencies…

Web Deployment Projects haven’t been ported over yet.  ScottGu says it’ll happen in the two weeks or so following VS2008’s release, but in the meantime it looks like you can just use VS2005 for deployment.  Not a deal breaker.

ReSharper won’t support C# 3.0 until version 4.0, which will hit EAP in January (not that I’ve heard good things about ReSharper EAPs).  In the meantime, there’s a version of  3.0.2 compiled for 2008 that’ll at least suck less.  Of course, that won’t help people like me who are still running 2.5 and are waiting to hear the upgrade plan (I’m not paying a $150 tax for a month and a half or so of development).

Visual Studio without ReSharper is a deal killer, especially after the last week or two of TDD practice.  The thing integrates so seamlessly into Visual Studio that I can’t tell where one ends and another begins, and I can’t imagine cutting out so many features from an IDE.

Oh well, at least nothing happens in December anyway, right?





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