Tag: google

  • Google algorithm changes could change fashion forever

    A (swiftly debunked) rumour was going around this week that Google was taking a look at email newsletter statistics (or at least what it could infer from Gmail user behaviour) and applying that data to SEO rankings.  The theory was along the lines that if nobody was opening or clicking through your email newsletters, they […]

  • A Google ranking gives traffic – and insights

    So here’s what getting to the number two search result for a certain keyword can do to a site: Prior to the spike I think that site was ranking on Google on page 2 or 3, which I’m told doesn’t get you very far, but there are regional customizations to the search results that make […]

  • Redirect hell is only going to get worse on mobile

    Royal Pingdom asks, is the web heading towards redirect hell?  Basically, as link shorteners get joined by large services wanting to track clicks (clicking a link in Google, Facebook, Bing, and soon Twitter actually takes you to an intermediate step on their servers before sending you to the destination, even if the status bar of […]