Category: UX

  • Canadian government to appeal web accessibility ruling – “do as we say, not as we do”

    The Canadian government was recently ordered by a judge to make their websites accessible to the visually impaired, which surprised the hell out of me, because so many of their websites and programs are so painful to use, in my opinion, that I figured that they had to be that way to comply with someone’s […]

  • 5 ways to improve IMDB

    It looks like IMDB has finally gotten a bit of a facelift, and there are some things I like about it, but I’ll be honest, it’s not working for me yet.  Good marketers and designers try to envision their product’s users as imaginary people so they can figure out the use cases and make sure […]

  • A better, more honest EULA experience

    Random thought while installing the latest ASP.NET MVC build (latest to me, the latest one to the party, that is).  Here’s the usual EULA acceptance form: Now, this form doesn’t do it, but I’ve seen some (the WoW EULA, for example) that make you actually scroll down to the bottom before accepting the terms, which […]