Category: GTD
Beware of scores without context
Without invoking the Dos Equis guy, I don’t do a lot of SEO, but when I do, I use Scribe SEO [affiliate link] to score my blog posts to make sure I’m not missing the basics of on page optimization. It’s pretty nifty – I write my post, click the “analyze” button, and get something […]
The Four Hour Work Week and the future of “Real Jobs”
Last week I ran my company from the cottage. I had decent enough internet, but I didn’t want to to be too good, since the point was to relax as much as I could while keeping the wheels turning. Over the course of 9 days, I probably averaged close to the mythical four hour work […]
When doing what you love can hurt you
As the photo might suggest, I’m trying to reconcile my differences with the Concept II rowing machine, after many many years of us not speaking to each other (I rowed competitively in high school.) You’ve got to love a machine that’s called an erg, short for ergometer, or Thing that Measures Work Done. It’s almost SEO […]
Inbox Zero and Simplification
Having finally achieved a count of zero in all my inboxes (1 work, 1 personal, and 2 for various projects), the trick now is staying on top of them. I’m sure it’s been written a bunch of times, but an inbox isn’t a to-do list, and shouldn’t be treated as one. I’ll admit, I get […]